February 2025
Hi Friends,
I’m mailing the February Mini a little sooner than normal.
1. Because I love them so much and want you to have them.
2. I included an extra gift for Valentine’s Day.
Most people dislike February, and why shouldn’t they? It’s the coldest month of the year, the sun is on an extended vacation, it has a frustratingly uneven 28 days, and it plays host to the polarizing Valentine’s Day. Dun dun dunn.
But here’s the thing: I actually like February. Maybe it’s because I live in Florida, where the weather this time of year is pretty perfect. (Despite the rare snowstorm earlier this week, it’s usually quite lovely.) Shoutout to those of you enduring winter in Montana, New York, Missouri, or Alaska — mittens and beanies are your daily essentials, while we Floridians send you a partly-cloudy, 65-degree hug.
Below are some images from members who shared their mini! I can not express how much I love seeing where you decide to display these!
February also holds a special place in my heart because of all the celebrations. Birthdays seem to pop up every other day (mine included!), making this month pass with unexpected delight.
The month of February is undoubtedly associated with the word ‘love’, hearts and the pink and red color spectrum. So, I’ve put together a list of things that I love. A very unique, very specific, very niche list of things – things that take recognition in everyday life to draw your attention. I’m not saying I don’t appreciate friends, family, dark chocolate and sleeping in a cold room with cold sheets. I’m just saying, those are a bit too obvious for my list. I invite you to add to this list or use this as a discussion topic at tonight’s dinner.
The (Unfinished) List Of Not-So-Obvious Things I Love:
A hot drink in an oversized mug – there is something about the ratio of liquid to container size that feels comforting and all-encompassing.
Almond croissants are far superior to plain ones (assuming you can eat nuts).
An acoustic guitar riff – Norwegian Wood by the Beatles is a perfect starting point for the skeptics.
The smell of fresh bread.
Knowing that both your socks match- even though no one else probably cares.
Drinking ice water after eating ice cream- oddly refreshing and a little rebellious.
Starting a new book - the pages feel fresh like they can’t wait to show off what they have to tell.
Listening to an old song you haven’t played in ages, so much so that it feels new again (Song 2 by Blur captures the magic perfectly – for me)
Opening a new container of anything (ice cream, peanut butter, yogurt) and being the first to scoop – an oddly satisfying and harmless power trip.
Making up ridiculous lyrics to a song and realizing your version is, in fact, a certified bop.
Catching all green lights when it feels like a “red light” kind of day.
Below are images of (unfinished and obvious) people and things I love.
Not surprisingly, most of the list is composed of food and beverage delights, which shows what I really enjoy most in this little life.
I hope that you will make your own Not-So-Obvious list for yourself as you move through this month. I hope you can take this mindset of noticing and decide to appreciate more of what you love versus the opposite.
Share some unexpected ‘loves’ in the comments below! ❤️
Now, Let’s Talk Valentine’s Day
It’s no secret I have mixed feelings about this holiday. On one hand, it’s commercialized fluff—chocolate boxes and teddy bears attempting to measure love or compensate for its absence. The large-scale proclamations? A bit too... theatrical for my taste. Acts of Broadway showmanship are not my love language. So, if you show up at my door with a string quartet, a garden’s worth of roses, and a hidden photographer to capture our “authentic moment,” please consider our relationship terminated.
On the other hand… I love chocolate and flowers. Soooo, who am I to judge?
The February Mini
That brings me to this month’s mini: a bouquet of flowers. My intent was to give you a gift you could share. The mini features a hand-painted floral watercolor, and each includes a detachable bouquet for you to give to someone who needs a little extra love this month. (And yes, if that person is you, that’s perfectly okay!)
I painted each mini over the course of 5 days. Starting and stopping while listening to audio books. Each bouquet or pot was hand drawn, painted and cut. I painted roughly 250 individual flowers, cut each one out and arranged them into your bouquet.
Every piece was individually designed, painted, and assembled by me. When I showed the idea to Adam, his first reaction was, “That’s a lot of work.” (Hint: he meant ‘too much work’ – but what the hell does he know?) It was a lot of work. But I love to paint, and I especially love to paint flowers, and I wanted to create something special to spread a little joy.
I hope you can use this month’s mini as an extension of your own love to share with someone else, or be kinder to yourself. Create a list of things you love that’s so long you forget all the little annoyances in daily life. Stop and smell the roses (please, they are working so hard so smell so great) and take notice!
Happy February, happy aquarius season, happy valentine’s day, happy galantine’s day, happy sock-wearing-heat-pumping-warm-drink-sipping month!
And to all the February birthday’s – salute!
Love you, mean it!
Xx Jessie