March 2025

Hello friend,

This is a huge month for me – like massive. Adam and I are - 🎶 going to the courthouse and we’re gunna get m-a-a-ried🎶 – this month! We are also in the process of buying our first home… and honestly, that’s the bigger jump scare.

March is a month of transition. The weather is starting (but not quiet) to get a little warmer. Your winter coats’ days are numbered, but don’t pack it away just yet – no need to send it into seasonal depression, but you know, the opposite season. The days are becoming longer, almost as if the sun knows it will be around for dinner soon. The trees havan’t gotten their leaves back, but they’re tidying up – check-in isn’t until 4pm.  

Images of March’s past…

The planet is shifting. The clocks are getting ready to turn back. The pollen is falling and causing havoc. March is the in-between, savoring the last moments of cozy (sometimes drudgery-filled) routines- caught in a state of monotonous dullness and on the brink of inspired newness.

The calm before the storm, no, but the calm before the shift.

As a visual person, I reflect on experiences in imagery and color. So, when “March” enters the chat, here’s what I see:

-          Green, all shades but specifically that one green. You know what I’m talking about.

-          Clovers, not just four leaf – but I’m always on the lookout for one.

-          Lucky Charms (the cereal). Stereotypical? Yes. Magically delicious? Also, yes.

-          Gardening tools

-          Flowers with faces drawn on them

-          Rainbows and the idea of finding a pot of gold at the end. (This has to be a metaphor for a deeper understanding of life—something about appreciating what you have instead of always chasing more. But, honestly, how cool would it be if you actually did find a pot of gold?)

 Eight years ago, my sister and I took a trip to Ireland for St. Patrick’s Day, and it changed the way I see the world—or rather, how I interact with it. The Irish are welcoming and charming, unafraid to turn strangers into friends, treating you like a long-lost relative they’re overjoyed to see again. Storytelling is a love language there, woven into everyday life, making even the most mundane stories captivating.

I went back last summer to celebrate two of my favorite people getting married, and everything I remembered about Ireland still held true. And to that list, I’d add: music as a universal medicine, glue, and icebreaker in a way that I don’t interpret the same in the U.S. What the Irish lack in food variety, they more than make up for in friendship, loyalty, Guinness, and…

The countryside.

This newsletter is not sponsored by the country of Ireland. It’s sponsored by the color green.

You think you know what green looks like—until you find yourself in an ocean of it. Kelly, forest, lime, chartreuse, olive, viridian, celadon, moss, mint, jade, and my personal favorite—emerald. Greens that exist independently, but together, they tempt you to find your own.

And tucked away in the smallest corners—unexpected, impossible to ignore—a burst of fuchsia. Wildflowers stealing the spotlight, just for a moment.

This Month’s Mini

This month’s mini is an homage to Ireland, the color green, storytelling, growth, new beginnings, and, of course—luck.

Each countryside landscape was watercolored, layering greens for the hills and blues for the sky. I used gouache for the sheep and acrylic pens for the flowers. The rainbow? A test of skill and patience—wet enough to lift paint for transparency, dry enough to hold the color. (Not recommended for the impatient.)

I find myself reflecting, or more so looking forward to the March ahead of me. One word comes to mind, lucky.

People have an interesting relationship with luck, some believe in it, kissed on the cheek by fortune every so often. Others think luck is just a combination of opportunity and timing.

I don’t think things happen to you haphazardly. I believe everyone in your life was meant to be there for one reason or another. I believe that your skills are instinctual but it’s up to us to hone them.

I believe opportunities come from relationships, effort and setting.

But sometimes life is more magical than that. A few pictures below to prove that statement.

Sometimes life is buying a house, getting married, and filing taxes. Sometimes it’s writing to strangers, telling stories, and listening to music. Sometimes it’s a drop of pink in a field of green.

Sometimes you’re just lucky.

Lucky charms in the comments below please! <3

 xx Jessie


February 2025